Haier Play of the Day

Friday, February 13


DevD (2009)
I can't believe I havn't seen a movie for two weeks. I've been waiting for this movie to release, and watching this movie was like having an orgasm. All the pent up energy finally found a chanel to flow!
This is an absolute cult movie. Anurag Kashyap kicks ass! Smoke, Drugs, Alcohol, Sex...what more could you ask for? (Did you shout Murder?) A heartbroken, drug drowning mans' journey from one woman to another in a modern Delhi is potrayed in a classic style and verve. This is what Bollywood cinema has come up to, and I'm very happy.
This movie is like a bunch of random ideas put together. Mixing facts with fiction, weaving practical jokes and making a movie on sex is hard enough, let alone making it commercially viable. If you're in distress, if you like getting high, if you like gaudy imagery or if you appriciate real art, in its most raw form, this movie is for you!
Abhay Deol as Dev is a phenomenon. There is going to be a generation of druggies and jilted lovers who would want to look like him when they break up or when they get high! He has abso-fuckin-lutely rocked the screen with EMOSSIONAL ATTYACHAAR!
Paro and Chanda, the two women in the life of Dev...who were potrayed rather meek and submissive in the earlier versions of Sharatchandra Chattophadhya's Devdas, are evolved characters in this movie, with their own egos, whims and fancies, and sexual needs.
I fall short of words when I describe the music of this film. I've been going over the tracks again and again for over a month now, and I still can't get enough of them. Amit Trivedi has done a wonderful job with his 18 tracks.
My God, I 'm so happy I waited out for this movie, and it did not dissapoint me at all!
Rate - 4.5/5
Trivia - Anurag Kashyap's guest appearance in the movie? He is Kalki's customer before Abhay.


  1. A 4.5/5...now i really want to watch this movie. i thought intially it must be good...n there u are saying its great. hmm..will let u know did i like it or not whenever i do watch it.

  2. everything about this movie is explicit, so if you're like a little conservative kinds...be ready to be embarrased!!!

  3. Hey, am getting curious about the movie. Will try to catch it some time. Why don't you blog on something else?


  4. coz im busy studyin...not like u :P
