Haier Play of the Day

Monday, February 16

A medical documentary

Sicko (2007)
As much as I hate the sight of Micheal Moore, I cant deny liking his work. He makes films with a cause, to change something. Be it a little change, but something significant. And thats the reason why movies should be made.
And about not liking the man, I'm conventional in the the sense that I wouldn't like to watch obese people on screen. Heck! I'm obese. But I'm hooked to the stereotypes the world is stuck in. My bad.
Anyway, back to the film. Its a documentary on how the insurance companys have screwed the medical system of the United States while how socialized medicine and Universal medicine for all has changed live in countries like Canada, France and Cuba. Thank heavens he hasn't headed towards our country. Because this documentary would became an appraisal for the US Medd system if the Indian system was ever potrayed (Tada! Idea for my next short film!)
He weaves reality story in a nice way, but since it is a documentary, it should be neutral. Well, I didn't feel it was. The point that the director was trying to make was only the point of focus. The flipside, the cons, the dark side wasn't really potrayed. Narrowing of ideas is a liberty lost when one makes a documentary and not a feature film. In that department, I think, the film loses out.
Its a good watch. And a must for all the medicos.
Rate - 2/5


  1. Hello alpez… thank you for visiting my blog… it let me discover your blog which is really cool… but why did u quit revewing? I watched another documentary by michael moore, farenheit 9/11, which was very srong stuff, it beautifully reflected my anti-bush mood at that time…
    I’ve put up another post… come and see :)

  2. i havent really quit reviewing...ive jus been very very busy...n yes fareinheit 9/11 was very strong stuff...but gain micheal moore is too biased wen he makes a docu, dont u thk??

  3. i know what you mean... and i like that you are reading my older posts... for most parts they just lay forgotten... are you reading all of them?
    come read my limericks :)

  4. hey... thanks for visiting... after such a long time.

  5. dude, thats the fun of being in a bus rather tan a car. and the 140 was my estimate. probably incorrect.
    you should write something now. its been months.
