Haier Play of the Day

Thursday, December 25

Live free or die hard

Die Hard 4.0 (2007)
Its a very good work out movie! (That is if you're working out and you're as old as Bruce Willis OR you think that mentioning your working out schedule would get some honeys to this blog, nobody ever visits anyway!) Its like watching the latest Indiana Jones movie : Kingdom of crystal skull, with a worn out old man playing the lead paired with a young gun (who, thankfully, is not Bruce's son...his daughter falls for him though!) Atleast that was a Steven Speilberg movie!
This movie is only about action. No brainer, blasts of fire, choppers and car action. The scenes of the F-35 jet hovering around the flyovers and how a running car takes out a helicopter are very well done. But thats about it. There isn't much to talk about in this movie. The story is too predictable, the characters are too stereotypical.
I would rather suggest you go read the book "The fall of arms" from which this movie is inspired.
Rate - 1.5/5

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