Haier Play of the Day

Saturday, December 27

Here's lookin' at you kid...

Casablanca (1942)
Arguably the best romantic movie ever! I didn't think so. Maybe I've become a cynic.
Rick who owns a cafe in Casablanca has a misfortunate love affair in Paris, after which he becomes a cynic. Because a girl betrayed him, he would want to watch the world burn. But when the same girl walks into his cafe one night, accompanied by her husband, who is the leader of a freedom movement against the Nazis. Rick has an exit visa which could help Victor Lazlo go to America and countinue the freedom struggle. Our hero is caught in a dilemma, of revenge or of courage and strength.
Humphrey Bogart defines how a cool voice should sound and Ingrid Bergman looks a classic beauty. The movie has a gripping storyline. And the whole part of how Rick would / could / should react when he meets Ilsa again is played very well. It brings so many different feelings and interpretations in the minds of the viewer. That is what I think the tipping point of the movie is.
Without saying, the ending has Rick helping Ilsa and Victor getting on the plane to leave Casablanca. Rick sticking his neck out for the apparent love of his life. This brings me to another point. My friend came up with this line - Nice is not natural! This theory states that man needs to be taught and reminded how to be nice. Children in school are drilled with lessons of behaiour. Elders are there to remind us at every step. Movies and music inspire us to be a bigger man. Because, it's not natural to us. Being bad, rude, destructive, revengeful is all our natural instinct. Humans are more of a self destruct machines than block builders. Rick had the-whole-movie-of-an-internal-conflict so that he would do the right thing! Why are we any different! Make mistakes, but learn from them!
Rate - 3.5/5

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