Haier Play of the Day

Sunday, November 23

I want to date a hot mathematician

Proof (2005)
This is a story of mathematicians. How am I a sucker for such movies! (Oxford Murders, Number 23, Good Will Hunting, 21, A Beautiful Mind, Hyper Cube and many more...)
But this movie also has brilliant performances. Gwenyth Paltrow plays the daughter of an insane yesteryears mathematician Anthony Hopkins who did some brilliant work back in the day. Now after his demise, a very important proof (something to do with prime numbers) is found and Gwenyth claims to have written it. Juggling between what she inherited from her father - the intellect and the insanity, she tries to explain to her boyfriend (also a mathematician and a student to her father) and her sister that she is the rightful author of the proof. But there is no proof that she has written the proof!
The movie is an adaptation from an award winning play. The play must be really good figuring the movie has strong screenplay and dialogues (and also some math, which many math & science movies lack)
All geniuses are insane but not all insanes are genious!
Rate - 3/5

1 comment:

  1. Oh i had watched this quite a few times..i really liked it. I liked her insane father..neat...didn't see ur view on this before..i would have rated it as 4 i guess.
    n haha..all geniuses are insane but not all insanes are geniuses :)
